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Data week NL 2021: Data matters

From 25 to 30 October, the fourth edition of the Data Week was held in Den Bosch. During the Data Week NL, we will make the significance of data for social issues visible. During the annual Data Week NL, we will show everyone what data can mean for them, inspire them with data-based developments and allow them to experience the application of data. We show results of collaborations, give local, regional and national successes a stage and are a springboard for new initiatives. In addition, we give an important place to the responsible use of data. In short, we show that the responsible application of meaningful data matters to everyone.

Tuesday 26 OCTOBER

09.00 - 10.00

Data Dialogue Table: Entrepreneurship with data

With guests such as Jeroen Steenbakkers of Argaleo, Amber Kesselaer of Data Kingdom and Maurice Horsten of BIM. There is also representation from the Bossche Technologie Tafel and Brabantse Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij. In the audience Peter van Leeuwen of Adeptiv

Thursday, 28 October

10.30 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

Presentation City Deal "Smart City, how to do it"

How does digitisation and technology change all our lives? And how does it change regions, cities and villages? By Jan-Willem Wesselink, programme manager of the City Deal.

In this session Argaleo will hold a workshop about the Crowd Safety Manager. This tool was developed together with the municipalities of Den Bosch, Breda and The Hague and has given insights into the flow of visitors in the city during the corona.