Argaleo and SPOTinfo have entered into a partnership. As a Value Added Partner, Argaleo will sell, support and functionally expand SPOTinfo's environment server data platform with its own solutions. In this way, customers who need reliable, coherent location data will come "from data to value".
SPOTinfo is a trio of geo-experts: Jan-Willem van Aalst, Matty Lakerveld and Frank Steggink. They see a great need in government countries for the easy integration, enrichment and availability of basic registrations, such as the BAG, BGT, BRK and BRT. Precisely to relieve them of this need, they have brought the "Omgevingsserver" data platform to maturity over the past two years. Omgevingsserver is actually the "Spotify for location data": all national geo-information up-to-date, cleverly combined, available on demand in your own browser or GIS tool, and also in 3D. It is no longer necessary to put a lot of time and effort into loading basic registrations and gathering data.
Environment server contains more than 130 datasets, which are available via a datasubscription. SPOTinfo takes care of the actuality and reliability of the data. Real-time data will also become an increasingly important theme. The data can also be accessed via the online 3D digital twin, the only one with recognizable building shapes in the Netherlands. This works in a standard web browser on virtually all types of devices and browsers.
Argaleo is the company with which André Sluyter and Jeroen Steenbakkers Omgevingsserver will sell as a product in the market. Besides the sale of Omgevingsserver data subscriptions, Argaleo will also provide additional services and solutions. Think of product support and training, but also the development of customized solutions for specific sectors and themes such as Mobility, Smart Cities, Energy Transition and Spatial Development. SPOTinfo and Argaleo foresee a fruitful collaboration that will make the complex world of Big Data much easier for all Dutch professional users, both governmental and business. Argaleo's slogan is "From Data to Value".